Wiimote Whiteboard Softwarenewinnovations

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I’m having a really hard time connecting two wiimotes to my computer. I’m on a Mac running El Capitan. I am using the original Wiimote (not the TR version). I can pair one, but, unfortunately, one remote isn’t enough to adequately cover the size of the projected area. The connection closest to the remote is fine, but it quickly turns spotty the further away I get. I have done a lot of research on the subject and tried many things, but to no avail. I will admit that I am more on the intermediate side of computer knowledge.


Even just connecting one wiimote can be hard, as I have to delete my bluetooth plist after each time a wiimote connects or else it won’t connect again. My computer won’t let me completely delete the wiimote after each use from the bluetooth preferences bar without completely deleting the plist. Need for speed hot pursuit download free zip. I have read through a bunch of difference forums, including a bit of this one, but haven’t been able to find an answer.

I will be calling the project OpenIWB - should have a domain over the next several weeks - something that really couples the 2D-3D (Edusim) IWB software together. I see the Wiimote IWB being a very functional hrardware option in schools given the right lesson driven software. Wiimote Whiteboard with Windows x64 support. I updated Johnny Chung Lee's original Wiimote Whiteboard with a couple of new features and bug fixes including: Compatibility with 64 bit Windows (Tested on Windows 7). Multitouch Wiimote whiteboard application in the wild. Started by nothinginside. 1 Replies 9896 Views January 30, 2013, 03:36:55 AM by nothinginside.

I am an elementary teacher at a school with only projectors. I used to be at a school with 2 SmartBoards in each classroom. I would love to get this to work, so I can demo it for my staff. I would appreciate any help/advice. Thanks!

An very interesting Tutorial from MAKE Magazine:

This project first appeared in MAKE Volume 38, on pages 86–87.

Wiimote Software


Minority Report and Iron Man-type interfaces are already here — you can control your computer’s functions from a wall or tabletop or just by waving a wand in midair. It’s amazingly affordable if you use a Wii Remote and an infrared (IR) light pen. How do you get an IR pen? You make it!

Wiimote Whiteboard Software


Wiimote Whiteboard

In 2007, Johnny Chung Lee invented the Wiimote whiteboard. As Lee explained in his runaway YouTube video, every Wiimote has a high-resolution IR camera. To turn it into a mouse or an interactive whiteboard, we connect it to a computer, fix it in one place, and use movable IR pens within view of its camera.

An IR pen is a simple device — basically a flashlight with a momentary pushbutton and a high-power IR LED like you find in TV remote controls. Visual modflow price. Most people use a dried-up dry-erase marker as the body of their pen, but performance is spotty because the LED points out the end of the pen, not straight at the Wiimote camera.

So I designed a big IR pen with the LED pointing out the side, and turned it into a small business. It’s the longest IR pen in the world!

What can you do with your IR saber? Anything your computer can do, except bigger, better, and more badass. Create a free PC theremin, play chess or solitaire on your wall, or browse family photos and internet videos. Have a fake laser battle with your kids, teach a class, or give a presentation. You can even build two IR sabers and do multipoint whiteboard control. I show how to set up my Smoothboard system in my videos atyoutube.com/user/Shakespeare1612, and there are lots of tutorials and software online for similar “Wiimote whiteboard” setups. Enjoy!

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